All of a sudden people are looking to refresh their Websites and upgrade their Phone Systems
Well it’s been a busy start to the year. We have welcomed a couple of new agents to the Commscloud family and a number of new supply partners.
The Commscloud Marketplace has reached a critical mass offering a diverse range of essential services to ensure we can continue to match our clients requirements.
Our clients provide mortgage services, operate the fish markets in Sydney, educate our kids, provide software solutions for vets and dentists, provide legal advice, provide services to thousands of farmers and look after us when we are ill.
The one thing all these clients are looking for as businesses is to improve their current circumstance and they are getting back to basics. That may be through upgrading their phone system to improve communications with clients and staff, reduce cost, ensure service stability and take advantage of new technologies that will give them an edge over their competitors. It may be though engaging a fresh set of eyes to bring their website up to date.
As we say one shoe does not fit all. We have added 2 new phone providers in recent months. Reliance Communications offer on premise and cloud based phone systems and SJH Communications solutions providing VoIP services, phone cabling and emergency call out. Both organizations adhere to the Commscloud ethos of service first.
Every service provider is chosen because the client comes first. More Telecom has a 10 second rule. The phone is picked up within 10 seconds no matter what. They have your ear. Their VoIP and internet services are built for the professional business where value for money overrides all other considerations.
At the higher end of town where accountability is everything CCNA provide an avenue for organizations to build custom phone solutions for large scale operations.
Two services that are a stand out at the moment is Skype for Business to expand phone services to provide easy and effective communications and of late Avaya seem to be getting promoted. Don’t know why but it must be because their good.
We have been bidding for business with local councils and mid-tier businesses that are looking to move to IP based communications. That is for Phone systems and expanding into virtual desktops and remote access managed IT.
Web Development
We have had a number of small .php developments for functional changes to web sites through to revamped ecommerce sites in the TV broadcasting area. This is where some of our suppliers will provide access to a dedicated team to provide development in an agile fashion.
Another key area us strategy consults to refresh aging websites. Apparently a website is getting on a bit if you have not refreshed it every 18 months to 2 years….
Don’t forget your IT set up
So now you have your phone system and Website under control perhaps it’s time to look at your IT services with a clinical eye to improve security, maintenance and cost by outsourcing to a specialist managed IT service or move to the cloud. Remember you’re a widget seller not an IT services company. You outsource key services such as telephone calls and electricity so unless you are so large you require an in-house team you should be outsourcing your IT. If you have the bandwidth go to the cloud, if you don’t go Managed IT.
Ask more questions, do more comparison shopping and talk to more than just one provider – Talk to Commscloud.
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